Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hello everyone, hope you are had a lovely holiday. Luckily for me, I still have a fortnight to go as Loughborough gives me a month off for Christmas! Not so luckily that means plenty of time for revision for my exams this month! I go back on the 16th and then there is a week of revision lectures followed by two weeks of exams, then I get another week off! Loughborough calls this 'Refreshers week' and its a chance for us all to blow of some steam after our exams.
Its been really weird being back for Christmas, but i settled back into the way of home pretty quickly and now it almost seems like Loughborough was a very long and exciting dream but didn't really happen....or perhaps that it happened but now its over... I don't know, when I left i missed it masses and especially my flatmates Sarah and Alis who i've got used to seeing almost every waking hour.... but soon home cooked meals, a dishwasher, live TV and a bath took over that and it feels pretty comfortable here. 
To make things even better, we just got back from a gorgeous week in Dubai which I had to share with you because even though its not related to uni it was perfect enough that who knows-perhaps I might go and live there for a year? 
 This is the view from our window during the day, something I had to cope with trying to ignore whilst revising in the mornings when everyone else was asleep!

I went the the desert on safari(above) and this is the camel I rode on, he was really chilled out. Definately the highlight of the holiday!

 Our pool! So beautiful!

This was definately how I will remember Dubai, it was amazingly beautiful at night, all lit up. I think i probably even preferred it to New York which is supposed to be the true "city that never sleeps"!

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