Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Exam time

Its exam time at Loughborough, and for me that means the first exams i've ever done at university. Its definitely been in interesting experience,especially because of the difference between this and my IB.
So far ive taken 3/5 exams, so just two to go. I think all three have gone ok so far thankfully, now i just have Economics and Organisational Behaviour left.
Over the last two years, my exams have never had more than 20 or so people in because there were so few of us doing it. For my higher economics exam in year 13 I was the only one sitting the exam! However at uni they run something like 4 different exams at once.... in the gym hall which is a hall the size of a football pitch. In the exams there have been more than 900 people sitting an exam at the same time! its crazyyy! Ive never seen so many desks in my entire life! The quiet is odd as well. 900 people sitting in silence... its quiet but its also kind of loud. There are 900 people sniffing and coughing and writing so its very strange. Before you go into the exam you get a seat reference so you know where to sit. Ive been M30, and G40 so far. when they let us in its crazy because 900 people are walking to their desks, and there are 900 bags at the front.
I managed to find a photo of it but it doesnt really sum up how massive the hall is, think this time about 6 as there are a-w wide and then 1-40  long.

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