Monday, 17 October 2011

A month on

I haven't blogged for a while, and from now on these will become a lot less frequent because to be honest, less new stuff is happening. After freshers life has calmed down a bit and I think all of us are beginning to settle into a routine that's a lot more normal. Theres still a lot of stuff to do obviously, but we aren't going out every night and we have all now made friends and become a close knit group.
One thing im really happy about is that ive made friends with these two girls on my course, Dina and Haya. They are from Kuwait and can speak Arabic although they went to an international school. Its really nice becuase they arent really into partying (unlike everyone else at uni) and so i dont leave their company with my ears ringing from music which is nice. On saturday we went out together for a meal at a really nice chinese restaurant (although i think i enjoyed not having to wash up the most pahah) and then we went back to their apartment in town and watched x facto (i miss live tv-sob)
I have also joined the hiphop society and we dance 2/3 times a week so thats been fun. At home i did street dance but this isnt exactly the same. its really nice to try something new though. Im a little sad because it clashes with Salsa and I really wanted to do that but I prefer hiphop as i know how to do it so hey....

Right, im off to do more homework. I have loads!

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